![]() NPN 80046875 |
Excellent source of protein providing all essential amino acids for maintaining good health.
[tabby title=”ABOUT” open=”yes”]
In addition to its ability to increase the level of Glutathione and all of the benefits it brings, ProGSH95 has one of the highest biological values of any whey protein isolate on the market with a purity of 95%, which offers the best product available for your health and provides your body with all the amino acids it needs.
Whey proteins can be produced in different concentrations. “Regular” whey protein can be anywhere from 20% to 70%. Whey protein “concentrates” are between 70% and 90%. A whey protein “isolate” is over 90% pure protein. Technically this is difficult and expensive to achieve without harming the protein’s structure. It is technically difficult and expensive to achieve such a concentration without compromising the structure of the protein. ProGSH95 has a purity of 95% or greater!
[tabby title=”HOW TO USE”]
Specific instructions for best results:
- Pour 250 ml (8 ounces) of cold water in a plastic shaker cup. Do not use a metal shaker cup to avoid denaturing the protein.
- Add 2 scoops (scoop included) of ProGSH95.
- Close lid on the shaker cup and shake vigorously before drinking.
- You can use a fork or a spoon to mix however, it is very important that you Do not use metal utensils to avoid denaturing the protein.
- Drink a full glass of water after taking your ProGSH95.
ProGSH95 can be taken up to two times daily. When doing so take your first dose first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and your second dose between lunch and supper on an empty stomach.
[tabby title=”FAQ”]
ProGSH95 is an undenatured whey protein isolate with a high biological value. ProGHS95 works in harmony with other major antioxidants like vitamins C, E and Selenium. It contains high amount of precursor of Glutathione. It’s 100% natural and low in calories.
What is a whey protein “isolate”?
Whey protein isolates can be produced in different concentrations. The concentration of regular whey protein may vary between 20% and 70%. The concentration of “concentrated” whey protein may vary between 70% and 90%. A whey protein isolate has a purity of more than 90% pure protein. It is technically difficult and expensive to achieve such a concentration without compromising the structure of the protein.
Why are whey protein isolates desirable?
Only isolates are completely free of fat, fat soluble toxins, water, water soluble toxins, lactose and other contaminants. This is the “purest” form of protein.
There are other whey protein isolates on the market. How is ProGSH95 different?
ProGSH95 has one of the highest biological values ??of a protein isolate on the market at 95% purity, which offers the best product for your health.
Who can NOT take ProGSH95?
Anyone taking immunosuppressive drugs to prevent organ transplant rejection.
If a person is lactose intolerant, can they take ProGSH95?
Yes, lactose is removed during the production of ProGSH95. There is less than 1% lactose. The product can be legally declared “lactose free”. It is important to note that lactose intolerance is different from an allergy to milk proteins (see below).
If a person is allergic to milk, can they take ProGSH95?
Most people who report being “allergic” to milk are not actually allergic, they are simply lactose intolerant. If this is the case, they can take ProGSH95. If they are truly allergic to milk proteins, they should avoid it. However, most allergies to milk protein (80%) aim at a protein called “casein”. There are no casein in the ProGSH95.
Does ProGSH95 have any side effects?
ProGSH95 is a natural source of protein classified as a natural health product and adverse effects have not been a statistical evaluation. Stomach bloating and cramps are possible if the product is not sufficiently rehydrated. Temporary rashes similar to hives have been reported in rare individuals with severe detoxification reaction. The rash resolves when the consumption of the product is discontinued or reduced.
Are there any liquids that CAN NOT be mixed with ProGSH95?
Avoid hot liquids and highly acidic liquids, which deactivates ProGSH95.
Can I mix ProGSH95 using a blender?
Avoid using a blender.
What is the best time to take ProGSH95?
Most people take ProGSH95 early morning or after fasting for a few hours. This improves the absorption of proteins and the use of amino acids. If you take more than one scoop a day, you can do so at different times.
How should ProGSH95 be stored?
ProGSH95 should be stored in a cool, dry place to maximize its life and maintain efficiency. We recommend temperatures of 15-28 ° C (59-82 ° F).